To fully utilize a scale, it is best to know how to operate it properly. When Taylor was founded in 1851, by George Taylor, he had a motto: accuracy first. Press the “ON/TARE” button to turn the scale on. This can be a common problem with any digital Taylor Digital Kitchen Scale … Error 1 pertains to instability such as when it is not located on a flat surface. Once removed, place the scale on a level surface and continue setup. Remove the battery from the scale. It pays to read the user manual before stepping on the scale immediately. By creating an account you agree to the Hunker. That is what I thought also. Step off the scale and wait for it reset. Your Taylor® Scale is an example of superior design and craftsmanship. 3. Place one foot on the scale until it displays zeros or dashes. However, do take note that the electrical current transmitted is a harmless one. 52 Download 122 Taylor Scales PDF manuals. Remove the plastic strip from the battery area for the scale will work. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 2019-07-19 at 01:17. New (2) from $38.95 + $4.49 Shipping. ERR3 is a contact error and your feet should ideally be bare and wet to achieve an accurate body-fat reading. With its weight limit, usually around 350 lbs on most models, and the need to take body fat measurements with bare, wet feet, many of the errors you may receive will be related to not using the scale correctly. Error 4 means that the body fat is not within range. When the contacts are broken, maybe the scale things that there is not enough energy, although the batteries are full. User manuals, Taylor Scales Operating guides and Service manuals. To initialize, tap lightly on the scale surface. Plus, some of their variants can even measure more weight compared to its competitors. Taylor is known for its precise measurements, the cornerstone of its business. If the display does not show zero, press the “ON/TARE” button to reset (tare) the scale to zero. Place the scale on a hard, level surface. Initialize the scale. Error 3 is a contact error where usually the feet are not wet for the reading of the body fat, or the feet are too small to reach the sensors. Error 2 means that the device is either overloaded or jarred. Check out below what each error means. Required fields are marked *. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'yourweighingbuddy_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_7',119,'0','0']));Taylor is a well-respected and widely popular brand when it comes down to weight tracking. Take out the battery for at least five minutes before placing them back. Positive Negative. To avoid having the battery drained, flip the scale and take out the plastic slip found in the compartment for the battery. Saving your information is needed to have your body fat analyzed accurately. It has become one of the leading manufacturers of scales, thermometers and other measuring devices in North America. You need that to zero the scale. It is best, too, to understand these error messages. Step lightly on the scale until it displays "--", "0000" and turns off if you receive the error "ERR0," which means the scale is not initialized. Many people get confused on what the scales say. The following reset procedure is used when the scale shows an err2, err, 0.0, inaccurate weight, or some other unusual error. Initialization must occur after each battery installation. Many people place the scale in the bathroom, but any flat surface at home will do. Many people often wonder if resetting a Taylor scale is necessary since they are scared that they may do the task incorrectly, which can result in the malfunctioning or breaking down of the tool. Step up onto the scale, stand still for about 5 seconds and step off the scale. Available from these sellers. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. ↑ Verify Your Scale Is on a Level Surface. How to Reset a Taylor Scale: Tips on Using The Scale Properly, The Rapala Tourney Scale: Accuracy and Durability in One, Best Digital Fish Scales to Improve Your Fishing Skills. Scales like warmth. However, the errors are easy to understand. So, if it needs a resetting, then users will have to re-enter their data after. = Instability error. Any idea on how to fix it, or if they will honor the warranty w/ no receipt? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Remove the battery from the scale. So after months of using an "inherited" older digital scale with an old/on the brink battery I got a new Taylor digital scale a few weeks ago. The old scale measured to .5 of a lb, and this one is to the exact decimal, with saved profiles, body fat, water percentage, the whole nine. Avoid setting your scale on surfaces like carpet or uneven tiling. If it is over or under zero, reset it accordingly. Taylor Precision Products Inc. Free Ground Shipping on orders over $25. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'yourweighingbuddy_com-banner-1','ezslot_1',126,'0','0']));Users must keep in mind that resetting this scale will also erase all of the data that was stored by the device. Taylor is a leading developer and manufacturer of water-testing kits and reagents for the pool/spa and industrial sectors. If that doesn't work, check to make sure your scale is set on … Guest. This step is required for the first use and after each battery replacement. The signal goes through the lean mass fast, and on the other hand, the fat slows down the current.