Production Gallery

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Armed Forces Day

This is our small dome stage for the Armed Forces Day concert in the Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds.

Premium CSS TemplatePremium CSS Template

LDR Canto Followspot

This is a photo of one of our LDR Canto 250 followspots on a show.

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Wild Woods Of Wonder

The Wild Woods Of Wonder in Nowton Park

CSS TemplateJulias Ceasor

Graduation Stage in St Edmundsbury Cathedral

A raked stage for a graduation ceremony in St Edmundsbury Cathedral

Hope CeremonyHope

Son et Lumiere

Son et Lumiere in St Edmundsbury Catherdral - Bury St Edmunds

Sudbury InstallMR1

Sudbury Upper School Install

Sudbury Upper School installation in progress, for this we installed 3 flying bars, 60 way of dimming, supplied moving light fixtures and new house lights controlled on a brand new Zero 88 Solutions Desk.

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