Decoding A channel A relationship A receiver Decoding A channel A receiver (a source, a message and the process of encoding are the three … An important difference between accounting and other business functions, such as marketing and management, is that: a. Which of the following would be considered part of a firm's marketing mix? 30 seconds . This preview shows page 65 - 67 out of 83 pages. Accounting deals exclusively with numbers. A. Contests B. C) creative strategy . Consumer sales promotion increases the use of product by the consumers, attracts new customers and stands straight among the competitors, to introduce new products and to promote established products. Coupons, Promo Codes 01-2021. d. All of the options listed. Samples, gifts, prizes, etc. To generate enthusiasm about a good or service, sales promotion: targets groups internally and externally. Consumer sales promotion is aimed at final buyers while trade sales promotion is targeted at intermediaries in the supply chain such as wholesalers and distributors. Sales promotion is often used to motivate prospective consumers to try new products and services. D. There is strong agreement that any type of sales promotion activity detracts from brand equity. C) Advertising. Trade Promotion is a marketing technique aimed at increasing demand for products in retail stores based on special pricing, display fixtures, demonstrations, value … The important objective of sales promotion is to raise the volume of sales. which of the following sales promotion activities is aimed primarily at final users of a product? Marketeers can reap the following advantages from the implementation of appropriate sales promotion technique: 1. Packaging 8. Term. Let's say you find in the literature a scale designed to measure consumer motivations, and one of the items is "sales promotion attracts me to distant mall-based retail spaces." Nakita: Definition. Top Offers From All of the following are examples of consumer-oriented sales promotion activities EXCEPT: Trade shows Among major packaged goods companies, the greatest percentage of the promotional budget … The following are the various sales promotion schemes used at the consumers’ level: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Definition. face-to-face presentation and promotion of goods and services. Sales promotion examples are all around us. Term. Sales promotion aimed at consumers is called ‘consumer sales promotion‘. C) sponsorships. Learn More : Share this Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Plus on Google+ « Prev Question. It was totally sporadic and unplanned. Trade marketing involves B2B promotions focused on the supply side, incentivizing retailers to buy more products, so they are widely available to customers. Test bank Questions and Answers of Chapter 16: Sales Promotion When marketing intermediaries perform the steps necessary to transfer ownership from one party to another, they are providing: adding value to products by making them available when they're needed, The two basic types of merchant wholesalers are, full-service wholesalers and limited-function wholesalers, limited-function wholesalers who furnish shelves full of merchandise to retailers who sell these items on consignment, Unlike merchant wholesalers, _____ never actually own the goods they help to distribute, they do not develop long-term relationships with the buyers or sellers they assist, Discount stores, supermarkets, and department stores are all common types of, offers a huge selection of one type of product (such as books, toys, or sporting goods) to dominate that category of goods, sells general merchandise directly from the manufacturer at a discount; items may be discontinued or have certain product flaws, uses only one retail outlet in a given geographic area, Vending machines are most often used to sell, Any marketing method that directly links manufacturers or intermediaries with the ultimate consumer could be classified as, Taken together, all of the organizations that move goods from the sources of raw materials to ultimate consumers are known as, McDonald's, KFC, Baskin-Robbins, and AAMCO all make use of the _______ form of contractual distribution system, involves planning, implementing, and controlling the physical flow of materials, final goods, and related information from points of origin to points of consumption to meet customer requirements as a profit, deals with moving finished products and information to business buyers and ultimate consumers, is the term used to describe the use of outside firms to help move their goods through the supply chain, dividing a market by cities, counties, states, or regions, dividing the market using groups' values, attitudes, and interests, dividing the market by determining which benefits of the product to talk about, dividing the market by usage (volume of use), to inform and remind people in a target market about specific products, eventually persuading them to participate in an exchange. It is popularly known as free form of promotion Consumer promotion, trade promotion and ____ are the three forms of sales promotion a) Media Promotion b) Sales Force Promotion c) Core Promotion d) Media Mix 4. Sales promotion measures also play an important role in attracting new customers for an organisation. B. Q. Which of the following is NOT a functional benefit. The approach step of the selling process attempts to : The final step of the selling process involves: The function that evaluates public attitudes, changes policies and procedures in response to the public's requests, and executes a program of action and information to earn public understanding and acceptance, refers to any information about a product or an organization that is communicated to the public through the media and is not paid for or controlled by the sponsor, Compared to advertising, publicity offers the advantage of greater, A major responsibility of the public relations department is to, maintain close ties with the media, community leaders, government officials and other stakeholders, the promotional tool that stimulates consumer purchasing and dealer interest by means of short-term activities, such as trade shows, event sponsorships, and contests, Which of the following is a consumer sales promotion activity? Which of the following is an example of sales promotion? An activity and/or material that offers added value or incentive to resellers, salespersons, or consumers is: (a) advertising. The main motive of consumer-oriented promotion is to increase sales directly by attracting new customers and wooing existing ones. Promotions are used to gain potential customers or keep current customers satisfied. Which of the following is a consumer sales promotion activity? Point of Purchase Display 7. They are made available in smaller than the regular package size. On the other hand, sales promotion is only a part of it. A) speech writing. The main consumer promotion tools include samples, coupons, demonstration, contests, cash refund offer, premium, etc. A Hedonistic: Term. Sales promotion refers to temporary incentives offered by an organization to either their customers or their resellers, with the intention of increasing the sales of their products. F A wordy, attention getting play on words is a more effective way of introducing a sales promotion to consumers than a simple statement. Consumer Sales Promotion Methods: Consumer promotion is for the common customer, this promotion is supported by advertisements, publicity, direct selling etc. There can be a number of sales promotion objectives, depending upon the firm’s policies, marketing objectives, nature of the product and its stage in product life- cycle, level of existing and anticipated competitive activity, consumer response pattern, economic conditions, and the target group (consumers, traders, or sales force), etc. C. Proponents of brand equity argue increased spending on sales promotion is coming at the expense of media advertising, and this is leading to decline in brand equity. Which of the following is a consumer sales promotion activity? Marketing is the activity, set of institutions & processes for creating, communicating, delivering & exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners & society “Marketing is the last step in the chain of commerce where a buyer exchanges cash for a seller’s good or service, or the activity of trying to bring this about. Coupons. D) internal PR. Increase the Sales . Chip Off The Old Block is a new chocolate chip cookie created by the Arizona Cookie, Company. D) sponsorships. Which of the following is a consumer sales promotion activity? Consumer promotions are geared toward customer needs and wants. Arizona Cookie's activities, Free samples and cents-off coupons are examples of sales promotion activities. To get you started with this worthwhile strategy, here are 15 sales promotion ideas, accompanied by real examples, and categorized by the business goals they can help you achieve. It is just as important to get employees enthusiastic about a sale as it is to attract. A flash sale is basically an offer that only lasts for a limited time and it’s a great way to create a sense of urgency for the customer to buy. It can eliminate idle cycles in some specific goods. Some of the most important forms of promotional activities are as follows: 1. Any sales promotion activity that you do keeping the end consumer in mind is known as consumer sales promotions. University of California, Berkeley • BUS 122. Try our expert-verified textbook solutions with step-by-step explanations. Download our FREE Ebook 'Top 10 Best Sales Promotions of all Time' Which features 10 Case studies of Top Sales Promotions in Action. answer choices . A sales promotion is an incentive that is offered to a consumer or potential business customer to spur the purchase of a product or service. According to John F. Luick and Willian L. Ziegler, Sales promotion is an activity and/or material that acts as a direct inducement offering added value or incentive for the product, to resellers, sales persons or consumers.” It can be said that “sales promotion is any action or decision that will promote or help to promote sales. a. Correct answer: (D) central- and peripheral-route. There can be a number of sales promotion objectives, depending upon the firm’s policies, marketing objectives, nature of the product and its stage in product life- cycle, level of existing and anticipated competitive activity, consumer response pattern, economic conditions, and the target group (consumers, traders, or sales force), etc. B) guerrilla marketing. 180 seconds . Which of the following activities are involved in consumer-oriented sales promotions? 2. Big discounts may be as old as the trade industry, but it’s an evergreen method of increasing sales volume. A delayed: Term. D Sales promotion is an activity in which a short-term incentive is offered to induce the purchase of a particular good or service. It aims at stimulating consumers. The four stages of product life cycle are, introduction, growth, maturity, and decilne, the process used to determine the profitability of a product at various levels of sales, Total fixed costs (FC)/Price of one unit (P)-Variable costs (VC) of one unit, the costs that increase as the level of production increases, products the customer wants to purchase frequently and with a minimum effort, products the consumer buys only after comparing value, quality, price, and style from a variety of sellers, consumer products with unique characteristics and brand identity, products consumers are unaware of, haven't necessarily thought of buying, or suddenly find they need to solve an unexpected problem, organizations that assist in the movement of goods and services from producer to industrial and consumer users, consists of the marketing intermediaries that transport and store goods as they move through their path from producer to consumers, a marketing intermediary that sells to ultimate consumers, The types of utility commonly provided by marketing intermediaries include, time, place, possession, information, and service. Many companies use sales promotion strategies to produce a short-term increase in sales. Other Forms of Promotion. _____ media can give 24 hour exposure to the public eye. (c) publicity. Q 4 Q 4. Which of the following is a consumer sales promotion activity? Achieving a need for stimuluation. JULIE: Definition. There are many types of consumer promotions to boost sales and keep the customer coming back. PDF | On Mar 15, 2019, B. Karthi Keyan and others published Impact of Sales Promotion Techniques on Consumers towards FMCG | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate B) advice and counsel to management. As an additional incentive to buy, these tools can be directed at consumers, retailers and other distribution partners, or the manufacturer’s own sales force. B. View answer. ANSWER: (3) Cheap bargain. Businesses needed to be responsive to consumers 1945. find out what customers want and provide it for them, make sure everyone in the organization has the same objective: customer satisfaction, focus on those goods and services that will earn the most profit and enable the organization to survive and expand to serve more consumer wants and needs 1945-1980, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, The Emerging Mobile/On-Demand Marketing Era. a. Vending sales b. It is an effective way to promote the new and different product. 230. special offers and free gifts. Sales promotion Direct marketing Advertising Distribution Sales promotion Direct Marketing Advertising (The other two communication tools are personal selling and public relations) 3 IMC stands for? Trade Promotion refers to marketing activities that are executed in retail between these two partners. Answer to Which of the following is an example of a sales promotion activity aimed at final consumers or users?a. contests, advertising, vending sales, direct mail, To generate enthusiasm about a good or service, sales promotion, an endorsement from a customer praising a firm's product, The strategy of directing advertising and sales promotion toward consumers to stimulate them to request the products from their local retailers is called, The use of promotional tools to persuade wholesalers and retailers to stock and sell merchandise represents. Which of the following is NOT considered to be an objective associated with the use of sales promotions? 230. 19 Which of the following are elements of the communication process? Generally sales promotion provides an incentive for purchase. A) A patronage reward. Fast food restaurants use premiums all the time, often giving away toys or move character dolls with the purchase of of a kids' meal. potential customers, and sales promotion can be used to achieve this enthusiasm. The product life cycle consists of how many stages? Couponing b. Action – The consumer forms a purchase intention, shops around, engages in trial or makes a purchase; Some of the contemporary variants of the model replace attention with awareness. Sales promotions are primarily used to increase sales levels in the: Sales promotion is a promotional tool regarded as: The credibility of a sales promotion event is usually: Of the following reasons, which is not a reason to use sales promotion? Advertising C. Vending sales D. Direct mail Feedback: Sales promotion attempts to stimulate sales through short-term activities such as contests. Which of the following is an example of consumer-oriented sales promotion activity? Providing offer to refund a part of the purchase price of any product to consumer is known as (1) Coupon (2) Price pack (3) Rebate/cash refund offer (4) Premium (5) Patronage reward View Answer / Hide Answer. is ineffective in reaching the B2B market. Sampling: Free samples are given to consumers to increase their interest in the … Sales promotion is supplementary to personal selling and advertising because it makes the two activities more effective. The Sales Promotion tools are directed towards Consumers (Consumer promotion tools), Dealers or middlemen (Trade promotion tools), and Sales force. Chapter 16 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion 1) Which of the following elements of the promotion mix involves making personal connections with customers for the purpose of making sales? integrated marketing communications 4 Desirable outcomes of _____ marketing include direct orders, leads and traffic. Sales promotion ideas and examples to increase sales. Often the publisher will combine highly complementary products such as a new textbook and access code for online software that students can use to test themselves on new concepts and principles. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. An example would be offering 20% off on certain products to the customers. The sector is characterised by products having . E) investor relations. (b) personal selling. These tools are unique in their way and directed differently to these three groups. According to Parks (2002), sales promotion can be classified based on target group and the tools used. Which of the following is a consumer sales promotion activity? Based on target, when the target is the consumer the following tools can be used; Advertising and Sales Promotion. Flash Sale. Premiums are a very popular sales promotional activities that provide giveaways to consumers. Example of Consumer Sales Promotion. Sales promotion attempts to stimulate sales through short-term activities such as, Learning Objective: 16-05 Assess the effectiveness of various forms of sales promotion, including sampling. The use of ____ would be suggested for manuf. Which of the following is a consumer sales promotion activity A Contests B, 101 out of 103 people found this document helpful. 230. Loyalty programs reward consumers for the amount they spend. 40. free accessories, introductory offers and so on. Ans. What is Consumer Sales Promotion? conducted by businesses to stimulate consumer purchasing. Consumers who take part in sales promotions receive utilitarian, or functional, benefits. d. 17. Sales Planning, Strategy and Implementation; A philosophy that stresses customer value and satisfaction. The Sales Promotion tools are directed towards Consumers (Consumer promotion tools), Dealers or middlemen (Trade promotion tools), and Sales force. JULIE: Definition. This is an example of: Sales promotion is a promotional tool that stimulates consumer purchasing and. An example would be offering 20% off on certain products to the customers. Direct Mail 9. Sales promotional activities may broadly be classified into the following: (i) Consumers sales promotion program (ii) Dealers sales promotion program (i) Consumers Sales Promotion Program: Sales promotion directed towards the consumers may be conducted either to increase the consumer’s knowledge of the product regarding its use or it may be conducted to attract new customers. Sales promotion activities include special offers, displays, demonstrations, and other nonrecurring selling efforts that aren’t part of the ordinary routine. So basically, these are different tools with purpose of encouraging consumers, dealers as well as the company’s sales force. Advertising C. Vending sales D. Direct mail Feedback: Sales promotion attempts to stimulate sales through short-term activities such as contests. When the sales promotion strategies are targeted to the end consumers, it is referred to as consumer sales promotion. BIG discounts. Select one: a. Intermediaries play an important … marketing manager Why? Sales promotion at the consumer’s level. Tags: Question 5 . This activity contains 28 questions. Ans. Maria: Definition. Consumer promotions are incentives aimed toward a company’s customers. Sales promotion helps in increasing sales in a short span of time. Definition. Sales promotions do not contribute to the erosion of brand equity. Advertising C. Vending sales D. Direct mail Feedback: Sales promotion attempts to stimulate sales through short-term activities such as contests. Which of the following is an example of trade-oriented sales promotion activity? The following consumer promotion methods are commonly used. Which of the following is a B2B sales promotion activity? Attitudes toward a brand result from a combination of _____ attitude-formation processes. Direct mail c. Advertising d. Contests 41. Sales promotion attempts to stimulate consumer, salesperson, distributor, and dealer interest in a good or service. The objectives of a sales promotion is to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand, to get potential buyers to heed a call to action, increase the size of purchases and improve product availability using media and non-media marketing communications. Samples. has declined in importance because of time and cost limitations. The activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and a society at large, is based on three elements: 1) a customer orientation, 2) a service orientation, and 3) a profit orientation. billboards and posters . Similarly, discounts in cash or goods may also be offered to dealers to stock new products or deal with new services. Examples of incentive for consumer sales promotion are discounts, free gifts, redeemable loyalty points, vouchers / coupons, … A firm's marketing mix refers to the combination of: strategies regarding product, price, place, and promotion, consists of all the techniques sellers use to persuade consumers to buy their goods and services. Usually, free samples are provided through dealers during such introduction. Personal selling and advertising are the two best known forms of promotion. AACSB: Reflective Thinking Blooms: Application Learning Goal: 16-5 Level of Learning 3: Application of principles Nickels - Chapter 16 #249 Topic: Figure 16.8 250. Which of the following is a false statement about the promotional mix: answer choices . Advertising, Sales Promotion, Publicity and Public Relational activities; A new product needs ideas, Developments, concepts and improvements. Coupons. Sales presentations . A. Contests B. Which of the following is a sales promotion activity directed at intermediaries? Sales promotional activity for the product is selected looking at the overall marketing objective of the company. Pree uses sales promotions and promotional dollars to stress how her brand is different from competitive brands and to keep her brand in consumers' minds. 2. A. Contests B. There are many types of consumer promotions to boost sales and keep the customer coming back. So basically, these are different tools with purpose of encouraging consumers, dealers as well as the company’s sales force. A Hedonistic: Term. Achieving a need for stimuluation. Next Question » Search Marketing Questions Here. D. There is strong agreement that any type of sales promotion activity detracts from brand equity. The common thread among all hierarchical models is that advertising operates as a stimulus (S) and the purchase decision is a response (R). It was then, only a minor activity related either to advertising or to personal selling.. a) Television b) Print c) Internet d) Flex Board 5. Consumer promotions are incentives aimed toward a company’s customers. Q2. 1. Customer sales promotion is a “pull strategy” and encourages the customers to … Consumer promotions are geared toward customer needs and wants. Q. B) A segmented promotion. Sometimes non-competing companies go into cahoots with one another in a … Loyalty programs can be a form of consumer sales promotion. Which of the following statements is/are correct? Public Relation 6. _____ is irregular in nature. advertising a new product on television. Sales promotions Direct marketing 18 Any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, good, service or idea by an identified sponsor is known as? Sales promotions do not contribute to the erosion of brand equity. this also includes searching for prospects and providing follow-up services, a person with an unmet need, the authority to buy, and the willingness to listen to a sales message. primary and secondary; linear and non-linear; associative and non-associative; central- and peripheral-route; None of the above. (d) sales promotion. Textbook publishers use a package strategy known as _____. determining the best pricing strategy for a service, analysis of markets to determine opportunities and challenges, The first step in the marketing research process is to, define the problem and determine the present situation, consists of information that has already been researched by others and is published in journals or books, or has been made available online, is the process of identifying factors that can affect marketing success, consists of people with unsatisfied wants and needs who have both the resources and the willingness to buy, consumer market and business-to-business market, The factor that determines whether a product is classified as a consumer product or an industrial product is, the process of dividing the total market into several groups with similar characteristics, the marketing of products to groups of customers a firm decides it can serve profitably, divides a market into groups based on age, income, or level of education, identifying small but profitable market segments and designing or finding products for them, The number of buyers in the B2B markets is, relatively small compared to the consumer market. Promotions are used to gain potential customers or keep current customers satisfied. A key element of customer relationship management is to: learn as much as possible about customers, the process of learning as much as possible about present customers and doing everything you can over time to satisfy them -or even exceed their expectations- with goods and services. Sales promotion consists of all those activities whose purpose is to supplement, to coordinate and to make sure more effective the efforts of the sale force, of the advertising department, and of distributors and to increase sales and otherwise stimulate consumers to take greater initiative in buying. C) creative strategy _____ is the promotional tool used to build interest in or encourage purchase of a good or service during a specified period. The final selection of the consumer promotional tools needs to consider target audience, budget, competitive response and each tool’s purpose. In other words, the AIDA model is an applied stimulus-response model. Coupons, bonus packs, premiums and samples are promotional offers that are targeted toward: Consumers. Dealers are also induced to introduce new products and services in the market. These tools are unique in their way and directed differently to these three groups. dealer interest by the use of specially designed incentives to promote a business or a product. We all wait for the summer/winter clearance sale to finally buy items we’ve spotted but couldn’t afford to buy during the season. A Delayd: Term. Publicity 5. Example – if an E-commerce website gives 10% discount on its products, then it wants the consumers to make the best of this deal. are used to encourage consumers to try a new brand or shift their patronage to new dealers. These activities include coupons and samples, displays, shows and exhibitions, demonstrations, and other selling efforts. Contests are generally consumer sales promotions. It includes tools for consumer promotion, trade promotion & business & sales force promotion. c. Loyalty programs are designed to encourage repeat purchases. This is a consumer focused promotional activity and hence can be called as consumer sales promotions. SURVEY . In earlier days, sales promotion meant clearing out some old stocks or to put some extra pressure behind slow moving products. Consumer Sales Promotion. Consumer Sales Promotion When the sales promotion strategies are targeted to the end consumers, it is referred to as consumer sales promotion. This type of sales promotion is targeted at the end consumers. Promotion is a very wide term including advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and other promotional tools that can be devised to reach the goals of the sales programme. The traditional promotional mix for a firm consists of: advertising, personal selling, public relations, and sales promotions used to reach a target market, paid, nonpersonal communication through various media by organizations and individuals who are in some way identified in the message, Advertisers like online advertising because, they are able to see how many people have read or watched some part of a commercial. All of the following are important when considering which method ofpromotion to use except: answer choices . directs stockholders to sell their stock when prices increase. 3. Rapid growth: A decade ago, ad-to-sales promotion ratio was about 40:60, now is like 25:75 & growing. 1. In terms of the number and dollar volume of transactions, the B2B market is: "produce as much as you can, because there is a limitless market for it" until 1900s, companies emphasized selling and advertising in an effort to persuade consumers to buy existing products 1920s. Which of the following statements is true about sales promotion programs? Television commercials . b. Consumer promotions (often referred to as sales promotions) work by driving demand for a product or service, typically offering something to the consumer, such as a discount, a premium (free gift) and more. Promotion can be classified based on target group and the tools used that provide giveaways to consumers of... Public relations to introduce new products or deal with new services, coupons bonus... Promotion activities is aimed primarily at final users of a particular good or service used at the overall marketing of! Promotion when the sales promotion attempts to stimulate sales through short-term activities such contests... Importance because of time try a new brand or shift their patronage to dealers. Supplementary to personal selling, advertising, sales promotion activity is referred to consumer... 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